LaBontè Community Garden
About the Program
LRCD partners with UW Extension Master Gardeners and the City of Laramie in managing this community garden located at LaBontè Park (near corner of Shield and 9th Street). Garden plots are available for community members to rent for a small fee between May and November. LRCD typically has either volunteers or seasonal help occasionally present in the garden to help answer questions that community members may have and to maintain the garden grounds.
Individual Plots are Available to Rent for 2024 Season!
If you're interested in renting a garden plot this year, please visit our office to submit payment (cash or check) and sign a contract. Small plots (approximately 3'x6') are $15 each and Large plots (U-shape in photo below) are $30 each.
Due to high demand, we limit one plot per residence/family.

You can find a copy of our garden contract terms and conditions here:
2024 LaBonte Garden Contract.pdf