North Cedar Reclamation Project - Yttrium Refinery Reports

The North Cedar property is the site of a Brownfield cleanup that has been historically used as a petroleum refinery, Yttrium processing plant, logging business, auto paint/body shop, and a trash disposal business. The site is ¼ mile to the east of the Laramie River. An unconfined aquifer is present at the depths of approximately 5 to 8 feet across the site. The primary contamination feature in the subsurface is a hydrocarbon smear zone ranging in thickness from 2 inches to 1 foot. The smear zone is located at the top of the unconfined aquifer. The primary direction of groundwater flow is from the southeast to the northwest across the site and in the direction of the Laramie River.
LRCD purchased the property and accepted the responsibility for voluntary remediation of the approximately 2.8‐acre site. LRCD received a $200,000 grant from the EPA, and the District has contributed approximately $30,000 in public funds toward five (5) years of continuous monitoring obligations for this project.
In 2023, the District completed the 5-year obligation for ground and soil monitoring. The new landowner will continue to work with WDEQ with any future monitoring efforts needed.




Official monitoring reports can be found by clicking the links below: